We're very quickly running Hell in C.S. Lewis' "That Hideous Strength". That Linkedin simulation is exactly like where Napoleon was nullified in the afterlife.


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Or, is the Matrix, and we want to get plugged back into it, so that we can famous, like an actor? I honestly don't know (and don't know which version is "better," either)

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come for the allison bornstein reference / stay for the griff updates

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At its heart, this is a griff newsletter that twiddles its thumbs with silly tech stuff in between drops.

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This is beautifully put:

“But its emotionally intoxicating power—its real delight, or its real danger—is that it decides stuff for us.”

Going from a semi-vague spec that you iterate over to a piece of working software without having to make each and every little decision is the intoxicating power.

More-so given the speed of the compressed cycle time.

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I didn't realize it at first, but that seems like what makes the whole thing...fun? If there are parts you don't want to deal with, you just don't do them. It kind of seems like a cheat, and I can't really decide if it is or not.

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